Daniel Gonzalez
Lufkin, Texas
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Activities & Involvement:
The greatest thing about MIT is the multitude of activities, clubs, and events to partake in. In fact, there are so many things to choose from that it can be overwhelming when you first arrive to MIT that people describe the experience as “trying to drink from the firehose”. Well, I took a sip of that firehose, and did as much as I could. For two years, I was very active in MIT Technique (the yearbook and photography club) and was managing editor my sophomore year. I was also an active member of SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers) and served on the exec board for SHPE for several years. The last big activity I did was joining HackMIT, which is the club that organizes MIT’s largest hackathon as well as Blueprint, a hackathon for high schoolers. There’s more that I did, but I think I would bore you if I went further.
Honors & Achievements:
I had everything going against me in the beginning when I was first diagnosed with EVS (Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct syndrome), so making it to this point where I have now graduated from MIT is incredible. Of course, this would not have been possible at all for all the people and organizations, like AG Bell, who have helped me along the way.
Future Plans:
I will be working for Microsoft in Redmond, Washington as a software engineer! After a couple years, I will begin to think about grad school and search for those opportunities.
Proudest Moments:
This is hard, because I want to say that I’m most proud of making it through the challenging, rigorous experience that is MIT, but if you ask me the credit goes to all those who helped me along the way.
Sign Daniel Gonzalez's Yearbook!