Hannah Romero
Wilmer Amina Carter High School
Activities & Involvement:
I participated in sports such as softball, swim team, and soccer. My favorite sport is soccer. I have been playing soccer since I was 7 years old. I played soccer all throughout high school. I also participated in Associated Student Body Leadership. We helped the school plan events and helped students have a great school year. I enjoyed being in this group because I felt I made a difference for the students during the three years I was part of ASB.
Honors & Achievements:
I always took honors classes and graduated as a distinguished scholar.
I have gotten Principal Honor Roll since Elementary. I received the Presidential Award where I received a certificate signed by President Obama.
I am currently the number top student in my math class.
Future Plans:
I have been accepted at Cal Baptist University and will attend classes in the fall of 2020. I am excited because I will be able to try out for the soccer team at this school.
I would like to continue playing soccer.
Proudest Moments:
I am proud of my mother for helping me throughout my whole school life. She is a single mom and raising my Autistic brother and has been hard. It is because of her that I am a very hardworking person. My goal has always been to get good grades. I am also proud of myself because people told me I was not going to do the things I am doing now just because I am deaf. I enjoy socializing with my peers. I am proud of all the hard work I put into playing soccer when people see me play they tell me I am a great player.
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