Shihao Sophia Bao
China, Beijing
Dulwich College Beijing
Activities & Involvement:
2020 Project in GitHub – Covid-19 Tracker
2020-2021 Junior School Woodhouse Deputy-House Captain – Lead House events, Sports activities, Early years sports events, etc. Initiated the effective procedure to make sure everyone wears a mask at school time as the duty of House Captain during the outbreak of COVID-19
2020 Nearer, My God, to Thee – String Quartet Cloud Video Producer – Tribute to people who died in COVID-19
2020 SAILING Junior Competition Certification
2021 SNOWBOARD has been selected as a Regional Giant Slalom Competition Team member in Beijing, China
2017 & 2018 Scotiabank Charity Challenge races for Montreal Oral School for the Deaf
2017 Association du Québec pour Enfants avec Problèmes Auditifs – Family Days
2018 China Association of Persons with Hearing Disabilities End of New Year Celebration – Poetry recitation Welcome to Holland in Chinese, English and French version and Experience share speaker
2019 School visits representatives to Beijing Experimental School for the Deaf – Speaker to share my experience
Honors & Achievements:
2017 Lego Robot Sumo Tournament in Montreal – The second place
2018 HakD HACKATHON Maker Competition – The third prize
2019-2020 Student of the month in Year 5
2019 Dulwich College Beijing Debating Festival – Second Prize
2019 Music Creates Future: International Youth Talent Plan – Third Prize in Beijing Region
2019-2021 Head Viola player in Junior String
2020 Founder of Junior String Quartet Club
2020 Math Kangaroo China Level 2 – Proficiency Award
2020 Australian Mathematics Competition Upper Primary – Certification of Proficiency
2018 Demi-Marathon Desjardins de Pointe-Claire 1K The 2nd Runner Up
Future Plans:
I plan to make more coding projects and study more in the field of STEM + medical science. I hope I could go to a University that is strong in these areas in the future. I would love to join the LOFT and LEAP programs in a few years when I reach the age required.
With the development of technology, there would be more advanced hearing aids and cochlear implants to help us. I hope that in the future, I can help more people with hearing loss through the inventions of medical and AI technology.
Proudest Moments:
2020 Xunfei Open Platform: iFLYTEK AI 2020 Public-welfare Hardware accessories Track
This is a professional Open Platform competition among A.I. Software developers held by Xunfei iFLYTEK,
Best Individual Award for Public-Welfare: Subtitle Glasses for the Hearing Disabilities
2020 Digu Talk Keynote Speaker
Media news links with translation 1
Media news links with translation 2
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