Sydney Naddy
Mundelein, IL
Mundelein High School
Activities & Involvement:
I competed in Girls Volleyball and Girls Gymnastics for all 4 years of high school. I earned my Varsity letter freshman year for gymnastics and senior year for volleyball. I also participated in different clubs like Link Crew and NHS, including Student Leadership my freshman year.
Honors & Achievements:
I earned High Honor Roll all 4 years in high school and was inducted into NHS my junior year. I also received the title AP Scholar and Illinois Scholar. I graduated with the highest distinction of Summa Cum Laude.
Future Plans:
I will be attending Texas A&M University to study Biomedical Engineering.
Proudest Moments:
I am obviously proud of all of my academic achievement but I am definitely most proud of the experience and memories I have created in my high school years. My friends and community especially made it special but I wouldn’t have gone anywhere if I didn’t take advantage of any experiences that were put in front of me.
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